Resourcing Models

Resourcing Models

Option A: Experienced Salesforce Developer integrated with Client team


SF-Dev with Client

Essentially, this approach provides Client with a dedicated experienced Salesforce Developer to augment their internal team and capability.

Client Product Manager is responsible for providing satisfactory training and upskilling support on relevant Client technology and business architecture, day to day direction and work allocation and integration into the teams and operating rhythm, similar to the onboarding of a Client team member. 

Cloud Riverdale Salesforce Developer is responsible for participating in any training and upskilling activities organised by the Client team and for delivering high quality coding and testing in collaboration with Client team members. 

Cloud Riverdale Account Director will be the first level for any escalations.


Option B: Experienced Salesforce Developer integrated with Client team, augmented with an experienced Salesforce Architect



In addition to all capabilities provided in Option A, this option includes support of an experienced senior Cloud Riverdale Architect to both Client Product Manager as well as to the Cloud Riverdale Salesforce Developer, estimated at equivalent of 1 day per week, to augment the strategic Salesforce capability.

Cloud Riverdale will allocate an Architect who has significant experience in Salesforce design and architecture, as well as in Java and web/cloud solutions more broadly.

Could Riverdale Architect will accelerate the learning curve of the Cloud Riverdale Developer by providing training and upskilling support, Quality Assurance on deliverables. Our Architect will also support Client Product Manager for any planning and design decisions on the wider technology landscape at Client.

Cloud Riverdale Architect will be the first level for any escalations, and Cloud Riverdale Account Director will be the second level for any escalations.


How it works?

For Option A

Client Team Deliverables Riverdale Dedicated Developer Deliverables
  • Onboarding and Induction training, day to day direction, oversight and feedback to Riverdale Developer
Personal deliverables include:

  • Coding/config on Salesforce
  • Integration coding/config
  • Overall Architecture and Design, and guidance to Riverdale Developer
  • Develop a good understanding of the relevant tech/app landscape
  • Quality Assurance, Version Control, Integration Testing and UAT
  • Unit testing and Integration Testing in relation to personal deliverables
  • Work allocation to Riverdale Developer via Jira
  • Work agreed with Clients Product Manager, update Jira tickets
  • Define and coordinate Operating Rhythm to integrate Riverdale Developer into relevant Client teams
  • Participate in required standup, planning and retro’s, with specific focus on personal deliverables


For Option – B: Experienced Salesforce Developer integrated into Client team, augmented with an experienced Salesforce Architect

Client Team Deliverables Riverdale Architect/Manager Deliverables Riverdale Dedicated Developer Deliverables
  • Onboarding and Induction training, day to day direction, oversight and feedback to Riverdale Developer
  • Additional Oversight of all deliverables by Riverdale Developer
  • 1st level of escalation for Clients Product Manager
Personal deliverables include:

  • Coding/config on Salesforce, based on specific project requirements
  • Mulesoft Integration Coding/config
  • Overall Architecture and Design, and guidance to Riverdale Developer
  • Develop strategic understanding of tech/app landscape
  • Best practice guidance to Riverdale Developer and Clients team
  • Develop a good understanding of the relevant tech/app landscape 
  • Quality Assurance, Version Control, Integration Testing and UAT
  • 1st level QA, including Code/Version/Testing reviews in relation to Riverdale Developer deliverables
  • Unit testing and Integration Testing in relation to personal deliverables
  • Work allocation to Riverdale Developer via Jira
  • Oversight of Riverdale Developer Jira tickets 
  • Work agreed with Clients Product Manager, update Jira tickets 
  • Define and coordinate Operating Rhythm participation as required by Riverdale Developer and Architect
  • Periodic participation (agreed with Product Manager) in stand-up’s, planning and retro’s to provide guidance to Riverdale Developer and Clients team
  • Participate in required stand-up’s, planning and retro’s, with specific focus on personal deliverables

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