Amazon S3 Salesforce Integration

Amazon S3 Salesforce® Integration – App listed on Salesforce Appexchange

Easy and Quick access of files related to any Salesforce® objects stored on Amazon S3. Key Benefits of the Connection Example use cases of Salesforce® Amazon S3 integration are:

>  Store Salesforce® web content and media files on the cloud in Amazon S3

>  Backup large data on the cloud in Amazon S3

>  No point-to-point integration required

>  Seamless integration running in the background

>  Facilitate CRM business processes with Amazon S3 capacities for big data storage

>  Allows for dynamic data discovery from within either Salesforce® or Amazon S3

>  Data from Amazon S3 can be accessed easily within Salesforce®.

>  Files can be shared externally while maintaining security and log

>  Allows file sharing with Salesforce® users

>  Allows and Controls file access to external user by sending download link by email with user driven content expiry!

>  Store unlimited documents, images, video and other files using a simple interface

>  Set a file as private or public to secure your file from viewing