Tips & Tricks

When a colleague asked me how I did my planning, I showed her my ToDo list. She promptly dismissed this with “Oh just a ToDo List” and walked away. Perhaps I should have taken more time to[...]

My neighbour once remarked, over our common fence while we were both gardening, that many employees in the corporate world behaved like sociopaths. Now this neighbour is a Psychologist at a local hospital so he may know[...]

On Sunday mornings, one of the volunteers for Mama Lana’s ( posts on Facebook asking for people to fill in the gaps during the week to cook, make sandwiches, desserts and salads, and serve the same for[...]

We all have many roles in life including employee, manager, husband, brother friend, etc. Each role brings out different aspects of our character. Social media has allowed us to segregate these roles and develop them in ways that[...]

Most cloud rollouts are intensive affairs, time bound and straining to keep within budgets. Cloud implementors usually deploy an experienced team and a well oiled methodology to keep within these constraints. This sometimes ends with a training[...]